Words Starting with I
The letter I is imaginative and inspiring. It can sound like the "ice" in a cold treat or the "idea" that lights up your mind. I helps us talk about interesting things and important moments.
I is a letter that encourages creativity and curiosity. It's there to help you imagine incredible stories and express your inner thoughts. With I, anything is possible!
Ice | Island | Insect | Igloo |
Ink | Idea | Iron | Invite |
Important | Inside | Imagine | Ivory |
Iceberg | Invent | Include | Improve |
Icecream | Ill | India | Inch |
The letter I is the ninth letter of the alphabet and the third vowel. It has a simple, upright design and is phonetically versatile, with sounds ranging from the "short I" in "in" to the "long I" in "ice."