Words Starting with U
The letter U is unique and uplifting. Think of the "umbrella" that keeps you dry or the "up" feeling of a happy surprise. U brings warmth to words and makes language inviting.
U encourages understanding and unity. It's a letter that helps you connect with others and share uplifting ideas. With U, every word is a chance to bring people together.
Umbrella | Unicorn | Under | Up |
Uncle | Uniform | Ugly | Understand |
Us | Utensil | Upstairs | Upset |
Use | Unique | Unzip | Ultra |
Unicycle | Urge | Upward | Universe |
The letter ‘u’ is not widely used in the English language. However, it is still an important letter and has its own unique place in the alphabet. The letter ‘u’ is the 21st letter of the English alphabet and is known as a vowel. It can make different sounds depending on its placement within a word. For example, when placed at the beginning of a word like “umbrella” it makes a short ‘uh’ sound. However, when placed at the end of a word like “menu” it makes a long ‘oo’ sound.
The letter ‘u’ is also used in various combinations with other letters to create different sounds. For instance, the combination of ‘qu’ creates the unique sound that we hear in words like “queen” and “quarter”. This sound is known as a digraph and can also be found in words like “quick” and “quiet”.