Words Starting with E
The letter E is energetic and exciting. It's the sound you hear when you cheer "Eureka!" after a great discovery. E can be found in fun words like "elephant" and "energy."
E is one of the busiest letters, helping connect words and make language lively. It's like a cheerful helper, always ready to make words meaningful and magical.
Elephant | Egg | Earth | Engine |
Ear | East | Eyes | Energy |
Eight | Eagle | Echo | Exit |
Edge | Equal | End | Envelope |
Event | Erase | Emu | Exercise |
The letter E is the fifth letter of the alphabet and the most frequently used letter in the English language. It is a vowel and features prominently in many words.
Phonetically, it has multiple sounds, including the "short E" (as in "bed") and "long E" (as in "tree").