What to teach after alphabet?
Are you struggling with what to teach after the alphabet? Suppose you are stuck with what strategies to implement after your child has learned the ABC. In that case, there are various ways to encourage your child to ensure an effective learning routine. The changes in education have led to many adaptations of digital learning in the modern era: accessible apps and interactive learning aid kids in building up confidence after the alphabet sequence.
The importance of digital learning has gained accessibility and saved us from monotonous and boring paper-based learning. The apps have made it easier for parents and teachers to find strategies on what to teach after the alphabet. It benefits a quick way to download and learn it on the go.
Suppose you have trouble with what comes next after your child has learned the English letters. In that case, several ways help encourage your child to engage better in a fun learning routine. These methods will benefit your child to enjoy learning these strategies for gaining confidence in reading, speaking, and writing in further education.
1. Capitalized and Lowercase Letters
Does your kid know that the alphabet organizes in capital and lowercase letters? If not, it is time to invest in the distinction between the two. You can likewise take your kid’s name and clarify how the principal letter promotes. Yet, the remainder of the letters is lowercase. Experience books and point out capital letters. They may begin to understand that capital letters are the primary letter of each sentence.

Messing around to coordinate the capitalized letter to the lowercase letter is a pleasant rehearsal method. It will benefit in how to write names and various objects straightaway. One of the best ways to demonstrate capital and lowercase letters is to use the Alphabet Recognition app. The app has four recognition activities to enhance your child’s learning routine. Interactive exercises save time from printed worksheets and keep your child engaged and busy during the day.
2. Vowels
Something to be thankful for to take a shot at is recognizing the short and long hints of every vowel. It can get befuddling to a few, so it’s incredible expertise to take a look at them! You can rehearse this with an image sort, similar to what you can discover here. For instance, with the letter I, you can show pictures of ice, igloo, iguana, inchworm, island, and iron. Then, have them sort them by short and long vowel sounds. It can be a precarious idea to see, so have persistence and continue dealing with it! Demonstrating between vowels and consonant words benefits kids to know which letter belongs to which category.
3. Rhyming Words
Rhyming words are a great way to teach how two different words sound alike. It’s a phonemic mindfulness ability that assists kids with hearing sounds inside words. It’s additionally a great deal of fun! We love to play a game where we express a word and attempt to think of the same number of words as we can to rhyme with it. You can find out about the different ways we work on rhyming here. Rhyming can be fun and senseless. However, it’s an incredible path for children to work on hearing the sounds in words. Teaching rhyming words helps to increase writing and social skills.
4. Syllables
Teaching syllables is a superb method of breaking words into pieces and showing their parts. It will help your child to know how one word forms fragments of letters. Utilizing syllables is a fun and engaging way to help your child build words without struggle.
One of the best ways to show syllables to your children is to clap a specific term. For instance, if your child has a name with four letters, then clap to say the complete syllable. It helps your kids to know how many vowels a particular word has.
5. Making Words

Making words is one of the best ways to demonstrate how to build words by combining vowels and consonants. It helps children to recognize how to build words and gain confidence in creating phrases on the go. Whether you do it through print or educational tools, we have the Words Train app and CVC Three Letter Words to help your child in learning words. After your child has learned the ABC, you can use one of these apps for an accessible learning routine.
6. Teaching How to Hold and Read Books
We are in a digital era where children can access educational tools to learn English words on the go. However, one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that parents and teachers should not forget how to hold and read through hard copy books. When it comes to reading, it is essential to demonstrate how to pick up and read the book in front of kids. It will help to show how to hold the book and read from left to right. Once you train them to read, they can pick up words easily.
7. Alphabet Vocabulary App
The Alphabet Vocabulary App is a beautiful tool to teach your children to memorize words in each letter. It will help to build the vocabulary with each image provided to remember the word with the corresponding image. After your child has learned the ABC, this app will benefit from recalling the pronunciation and increasing the spelling of each term. Your child will have the ability to learn new phrases from each letter.
8. Phonemes
Utilizing phonemes is the best demonstration of how the letter sounds in a specific word. If your child struggles to pronounce a particular note in a word, then demonstrate what the letter says. It will benefit from remembering how each letter sounds in a phrase. Your child will remember the sounds of the alphabet and ensure the ease of practicing saying words correctly. It will increase speaking skills and allow easy interaction between parents and teachers.
9. Creative Writing
This strategy might sound tricky for younger kids. Still, early development has shown that once the child understands and has confidence in letters and words. They will begin to come up with ideas on how to write and make short sentences. Many parents assume that writing means putting words in a sentence when scribbling on the paper does count as writing. Engaging your child with creative writing encourages them to use handwriting books to write correct letters and words. It will benefit your child to enhance the early stages of writing.
Wrap Up
Here are the mentioned strategies that help your child to implement what to teach after the alphabet. The accessible apps and interactive learning methods help kids show the demonstration after learning the alphabet sequence.